Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) has organized various programs to celebrate “Iqbal Week” on account of the birth anniversary of a great philosopher, thinker and poet, Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal.
A seminar was organized on “Iqbal and Ishq e Rasool”, there will be a walk on November 10 to pay tribute to our national poet and a talk show on the life of Iqbal will be broadcasted live on Facebook and the university’s web TV.
A seminar on “Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam” will be organized by Iqbal Chair on November 11 whereas a speech competition on Iqbal’s life is scheduled on November 14, Bait Bazi competition on Iqbal’s poetry is scheduled to be held on November 15, and a constructive seminar on Iqbal and Maulana Rumi will be held on November 16. A delegation of Employees Welfare Association (EWA) visited the tomb of Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal on his birth anniversary and offered Fatiha.
Vice Chancellor, AIOU, Prof. Dr. Zia Ul-Qayyum approved the activities planned to celebrate Iqbal week and said that it is a matter of honor for AIOU to be named after Allama Iqbal. We are trying to fulfill our educational responsibilities regarding Iqbal and our head is high with pride.
He said that Iqbal Chair on Tasawwuf and Muslim Thoughts has been established in the university for the promotion of Iqbal’s thoughts, Iqbal Gallery in the Central Library is the center of research on Allama Iqbal. He advised the new generation to make it their hobby to read and understand Iqbal and try to implement his philosophy in every aspect of life.